How to work from home (for more than a couple of days)

The opportunity to work from home might sound like a fantastic idea. You can be comfy in your own surroundings and have grand ideas of getting “so much work done”. For some of us this may be very true. For others though, working from home can mean demonstrating discipline and creating a “new normal” as our home morphs into our new workspace.

Here’s our best tips for managing your work from home.

Technology, technology, technology:

If you’re a manager and enjoy the ability to see what your team are doing, working from home could give you a sense of overwhelm. “How do I know the work is still being done?”. Or maybe you’re a team member who just enjoys the social aspect of being in an office environment. Technology is there to help you. Explore what your organisation already has access to as part of their suite of programs. Skype for Business, Microsoft Teams and even Tasks in Outlook are all features you could use to support remote team visibility. Keep your focus for new technology on demonstrating results, rather than to “keep an eye on people”. You’ll find more uptake and acceptance from people when introducing new tech tools.

Be flexible with your work hours:

If you live with other people, especially children, working from home can be challenging. There may need to be a new routine you create in order to get the work done. For example, maybe start your day at 5am so you have a couple of quiet hours before everyone else wakes up. Not a morning person? Try working later in the afternoon. You may need to break your day up, working in 1-hour blocks over a longer period for example. Be proactive and work to suite your home schedule, rather than trying to make your office routine work at home.

Adjust your response time expectations:

Being office-based we have the luxury of sitting next to a colleague we need answers from. Just because we are at home doesn’t mean 24/7 availability. If someone hasn’t got back to you straight away it could be they have stepped away from their laptop for a break, or maybe they are preparing some lunch. If you have urgent matters that need attention, consider picking up the phone or using a web-based video chat instead of firing off multiple emails.


If there are other people you share your home with. Let them know your work plans for each day. Maybe you select a room to become your new office space. Create respectful boundaries to let other know what to do if they want to access the room or want to talk to you while you are working. Likewise, if you have created a new work routine at home, communicate this to your colleagues so they know when you’ll be available to answer any questions they might have.

Never work from bed:

When deciding on where you work in your home, try to stay away from your bedroom. Bringing work into a private space can blur the lines between work stress and relaxation time. This can impact your ability to fall asleep at night or feel motivated in the morning. Keep your bedroom as a place to unwind after your day rather than an extended office space.

Keep track of your downtime:

Taking regular breaks when working from home is important so you don’t feel overwhelmed. Time can move quickly when you are at home and its easy to get caught up in a domestic task. Keep an eye on the time you spend away from your work. Consider having a 20min alarm set, so you can get back to work and achieve those work goals you’ve set.

Socialise – virtually:

While it’s important to get your work done working from home it’s also important to keep up the social connection to your colleagues. Don’t be afraid to send chat messages to your colleagues on a social level too. Convert your morning coffee chats into online chats to keep the connection going while you are physically apart. Just be mindful of how much time you’re using for this.

Working from home can provide a great opportunity to have work/life balance. Find the best way that works for you and enjoy the experience!

We at ATI-Mirage can help with tangible tools and support to make working from home easier.

See our PD & IT schedules for our virtual, live facilitator-led courses.

And please let us know if you need assistance with the transition to remote working as well as help overcoming the challenges. Call us on 9218 9059 or email us

Keeping Yourself Accountable

There is so much value in building a culture of accountability within ourselves.


On a daily basis we are accountable for someone or something. For example, your peers at work, your job, paying bills, bringing up your children, family responsibility… the list goes on. With more demand and expectations on us than ever before how do we stay on track? How do we keep accountable for our actions and not be distracted or led astray from what’s important?

Here are our top 3 tips for keeping yourself accountable


1. Respect time and tasks with outcomes.

We all have the same amount of time in a day. So how do some people glide through life and others feel like they are floundering? The key is how they spend their time. Imagine every minute of the day was a ten dollar note – by the end of each day do you spend it on what you want or do you find yourself lining other people’s pockets? Being accountable is looking at how we are spending our time. Do we fill it up with meaningless time-filler tasks or do we spend it working towards what we want to achieve?

In life there must be balance, so look at where you’re spending your time and if the pendulum swings too far one way, look at balancing things out. For example are you stressed out because you spend so much time completing tasks for everyone else you miss out on getting your own stuff done? If so, look at taking 1 hour of the day (split in 15mins bursts if that’s easier for you) doing something for yourself. Respect the time that is yours to keep yourself accountable.



2. Use technology to support you.

When we are busy, on the go all the time we can store everything in our short-term memory. Like a computer our short term memory can only hold so much before it’s overloaded. While technology can be a major reason for distraction, it can also provide some practical tools to help prioritise. There are plenty of apps out there which create lists, reminders and progress trackers, such as Planner or Trello.

Consider using your 1 hour a day for yourself to research the best apps out there that will work for you. Using visual activity-based technology can keep you accountable to achieve those daily goals.

3. Reward yourself for more than a second.

So, what happens when you deliver on a promise you made yourself? Or when you succeed on a task you’re accountable for? Do you just move straight on to the next one? Stop! Take some time to bask in the glory of all you’ve achieved. Take some time to celebrate your success. You could do that by taking a lunch break, phoning a friend or just getting up from your desk to get some fresh air.


It’s so easy to ignore the celebration part of accountability with all you have to get done. Being accountable takes hard work and dedication so celebrate your wins – even the small ones.


Success in anything comes from making it a priority. It’s down to you to make the conscious effort in mastering your own accountability. Once you do it can be a very rewarding experience.

We at ATI-Mirage can help. Join us for our next workshops:

Tame your Inbox

Time Management and Personal Productivity

Time Management Boost your Productivity

Manage Stress Build Resilience

Microsoft Teams

Develop your Emotional Intelligence

Microsoft Outlook