The Real-World Benefits Of MS SQL Server Training

The Benefits of Proficient Microsoft SQL Database Querying Skills in the Workplace

Data is the lifeblood of modern businesses.

Whether you aim to control inventory costs, develop cutting-edge products, understand customers, deliver essential services or forecast financial performance, the answer lies in data.

Still, most businesses lack the capabilities to access insights for informed decisions.

Consequently, data analytics is shaping up to be one of the most in-demand job skills this decade.

According to ABS data, database professionals in Australia earn 47% more than the average salary. Career prospects are also strong, with a 38.9% projected rise in the number of jobs in the field.

One of the fundamental skills in the field is SQL (Structured Query Language). Practical SQL querying skills unlock the potential of data and open the door to your pick of professions.

If you want to level up your career, give your business a competitive edge, or make data-driven decision-making part of your company culture, an SQL queries course is a great place to start.

A quick introduction to databases

Before diving into the specifics of SQL and Microsoft SQL Server training, it’s important to define what a “database” is.

At its simplest, a database is a collection of information organised so that a computer program can quickly extract information.

While spreadsheets like Excel and Google Sheets are fantastic for simple calculations and tracking small data sets, they become cumbersome and inefficient at larger scales.

Conversely, databases are designed to handle large volumes of data. They can be queried, filtered and manipulated quickly and efficiently, even with multiple users accessing the information simultaneously.

They are also built to handle multiple transactions and complex queries without losing performance.

SQL vs Excel: 5 reasons databases are superior to spreadsheets
  1. Scalability: Maybe doesn’t need to be in the blog, but would be a good piece for social media or an image (infographic)
  2. Security: Database management software from reliable vendors offers robust security features to protect sensitive data.
  3. Data Integrity: The structured format minimises data redundancy and ensures consistency.
  4. Collaboration: Multiple users can access and modify data simultaneously with SQL queries.
  5. Advanced Functionality: SQL enables powerful querying capabilities, data filtering, aggregation and complex analysis.
What are relational databases?

A relational database is a type of database that stores information in organised tables. These tables are linked by relationships, allowing you to access and analyse data across different categories.

It’s like a well-organised filing cabinet where everything is interconnected for efficient retrieval. Microsoft’s relational database management system, Microsoft SQL Server, is the most widely used solution, with an estimated 31% market share. This is why most SQL queries courses  in Australia focus on Microsoft SQL Server training.

Oracle, Airtable, MySQL and Azure SQL are also popular. The double plural makes this a bit clunky but it’s the SEO keyword. Alternatively we can just say “SQL courses”

How does SQL relate to relational databases?

Structured query language, SQL, is the standard language for interacting with relational databases.

SQL queries allow you to:

  • Select, insert, update, find and delete data
  • Extract information from large data sets
  • Create and modify schemas (the database’s structure)
  • Control access to data

Whether your business uses Microsoft SQL Server or a competitor, almost all use SQL as their underlying query language.

One big advantage of SQL is that queries use common English keywords.

This makes SQL queries easier to learn than other programming languages like Python. Fun fact: it’s also why SQL was originally called “structured English query language” or SEQUEL.

How SQL is used in different industries and jobs

Mobile and web development

Store and manage user data securely, which is essential for building robust applications.

Data analytics

Extract and analyse data to identify trends and patterns, informing business strategies.


Query customer data to understand buying habits, target specific demographics for campaigns, and measure marketing effectiveness.

Business analytics

Use SQL to help other departments and the business overall gather data for performance analysis and identify areas for improvement.

Business Intelligence (BI)

Develop reports and dashboards using SQL to track key performance indicators (KPIs) and gain insights for data-driven decision-making across the organisation.

Data science

SQL is the foundation for data extraction, pre-processing, and integration with advanced analytics tools.

Quality Assurance (QA)

Write SQL queries to test the functionality of software applications and ensure data integrity.


Analyse financial data to assess risk, track investments and generate financial reports.

Human Resources (HR)

Use SQL to manage employee data, track payroll, and analyse workforce trends in large organisations.


Manage patient records, treatment plans and other critical data that affects patient care, facility operations and medical research.

How Microsoft SQL Server training can help your career prospects

Learning to organise, access and analyse large data sets is an indispensable skill. 

An SQL queries course can add highly valued capabilities to your CV, helping you to change careers, become more valuable in your current role or grow your own business.

Improve analytics efficiency

SQL allows companies to manage data systems that store, retrieve and analyse large amounts of data more efficiently. Professionals who understand SQL can contribute significantly to managing data workflows, maintaining data integrity, and ensuring data security.

Make better decisions

The flexibility of a relational database means access to better analytics. SQL queries uncover deeper insights from large databases to support decision-making at all levels of business.

Advance your career

The ability to organise, access and analyse information is increasingly valuable in a rapidly evolving, data-driven business landscape. Being able to ‘speak’ SQL is a highly prized skill. It opens doors in areas like data analysis, database administration and BI, and a growing number of specialist roles.

Tell stories with data

SQL queries help to communicate insights from data through reports and visualisations. Regardless of your industry or role, data storytelling is important for leadership buy-in, stakeholder and shareholder support, customer intelligence and competitive decision-making.

What you’ll learn in an ATI-Mirage SQL queries course

Our one-day Introduction to Microsoft SQL Server training will equip you with the skills to write SQL queries against Microsoft SQL Server.

Learn from Perth’s best IT trainers and explore various methods for crafting queries, including popular graphical tools and direct coding.

It’s ideal for beginners, programmers refreshing their skills, and Excel users seeking better data storage alternatives.

You’ll gain hands-on skills training covering a wide range of topics, comprehensive course materials, practical exercises using SQL with different tools, and post-course support.

Learn more about the course and book your spot here.



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