Unlocking Career Opportunities With Microsoft 365

Today’s workplace is undeniably digital-first. Technology drives everything we do, from basic tasks to highly advanced automations.

Thankfully, most Australian workers are confident in creating documents, sending emails, and making basic spreadsheets.

However, in a tech-first world, higher-order skills are endlessly valuable.

According to the World Economic Forum, technological literacy is one of the top three “skills on the rise” this decade. It even outranks AI and big data.

The ability to use technology for problem solving, collaboration, productivity, and data organisation can make you highly sought after in the job market.

And you might not realise that your workplace’s Microsoft 365 for Business subscription already includes the tools you need for all these tasks.

SharePoint, Teams, OneDrive and Office Online are powerful tools. They take some getting used to, but once you are confident, you will find so much potential to explore.

Thanks to Microsoft’s enduring popularity, these tools will also likely be relevant for a long time.

If you aim to advance your career with adaptable, future-ready technology skills, our Microsoft 365 course will help you achieve that goal.

As well as earning the skills needed for “Fundamentals” Microsoft 365, you’ll gain confidence, get hands-on experience, and learn practical tips to unlock the full potential of Microsoft 365 for Business.


First off, what is Microsoft 365?

Microsoft 365 (formerly Office 365) is a suite of productivity applications that are fundamental to modern business operations.

The suite includes tools such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook. You are likely familiar with these already.

Microsoft 365 also includes cloud-based programs and apps designed for productivity and collaboration in modern workplaces.

  • OneDrive is a cloud storage solution that allows users to store, share, and collaborate on documents securely from anywhere.
  • SharePoint is a highly customisable collaboration tool designed to help teams organise, share, and manage content, knowledge and applications through intranet sites and portals.
  • Microsoft Sway takes presentations to the next level with dynamic, interactive features. 
  • Office Online includes browser-based versions of Microsoft’s traditional Office suite applications, such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and OneNote.
  • Microsoft Teams is a unified communication and collaboration platform that combines workplace chat, video meetings, file storage, and application integration.

Read more: Rambo’s favourite features of Microsoft Teams.





Cloud storage

Store, access, and share files from anywhere


Team collaboration platform

Share files and resources, and manage projects with your team


Communication and collaboration hub

Chat, video meetings, real-time document collaboration

 Office Online

Web-based versions of Word, Excel, PowerPoint and OneNote

Work from any web-enabled device

Microsoft 365 apps like PlannerForms and To-Do also help with task and project management.

Our Microsoft 365 course builds on your existing Office skills – using Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook in everyday tasks – with practical skills in all these solutions.

The benefits of boosting your skills with Microsoft 365 courses


Increase your value to employers

By mastering Microsoft 365 applications, you demonstrate expertise in widely used business tools.

This makes you a more valuable asset to your existing team. Any savvy employer will notice your Microsoft 365 when deciding on promotions and pay increases.

It also makes you a more attractive candidate in a competitive job market. Showing that you have kept your skills sharp indicates the benefits you bring and the kind of person you are.

Advance your career

With advanced Microsoft 365 skills, you can take on higher responsibilities, qualify for promotions, or transition into roles that require technical expertise.

Almost every company needs people who demonstrate leadership in document management, data analysis, and communication – key areas in which ATI-Mirage Microsoft 365 courses builds your capabilities.

Learn new skills

Microsoft 365 courses offer the opportunity to acquire new skills or deepen existing ones.

Our Microsoft 365 course takes you even further. You’ll gain a practical understanding of the software’s major features, allowing you to adapt your knowledge to new challenges.

These highly transferable skills in widely used programs provide peace of mind that you are not only employable but essential in the tech-driven world of work.

Solve new problems

You will inevitably develop a problem-solving mindset as you learn more about the tools’ capabilities and how they are amplified when the software is integrated.

Remember earlier when we mentioned that technological literacy will become increasingly important this decade? The only two skills that are more important are creativity and analytical thinking.

Gaining proficiency in Microsoft 365 for Business means developing all three skills in one.

Combine your knowledge

SharePoint, Teams, OneDrive, and Office Online are useful tools. But when they are integrated, work becomes seamless.

This is where a practical and expert-led MIcrosoft 365 course becomes even more valuable. As well as learning how each tool works, you will understand how they work together to help your team work smarter, not harder.

Should you earn a Microsoft 365 course?

As a Microsoft partner, our interactive Microsoft 365 course follows the Microsoft 365 Essentials curriculum.

However, where Microsoft’s requires you to complete (and pay for) multiple self-directed courses, our Microsoft 365 Essentials masterclass covers all the solutions in a single day.

At the same time, you gain a working knowledge of these powerful tools that you are ready to apply immediately. You will work in a live system and practice skills in real time, testing your knowledge as you go.

Our experienced IT trainers guide you through a comprehensive Microsoft 365 course developed through extensive research, refinement and real-world practice.

We are also here to help after you complete the course. You can access free help desk support as you apply what you learn to your real work environment.


Are you ready to master Microsoft 365 for Business?

Mastering Microsoft 365 is not just about learning new software. It’s about transforming how you engage with technology to solve problems, collaborate with colleagues and add value to your organisation.

On a personal level, these highly transferable skills unlock new and lucrative career opportunities.

If you want to set yourself up for success in the highly collaborative and information-centric future of work, an ATI-Mirage Microsoft 365 course is the ideal place to start.

Explore the course in detail and book your spot here.



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